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COBE Forfatterhuset幼儿园
COBE Forfatterhuset幼儿园


COBE Forfatterhuset幼儿园Product

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承包商:Kjær &拉森

这座由COBE工作室设计的幼儿园名为Forfatterhuset,位于丹麦哥本哈根(Copenhagen )。Forfatterhuset幼儿园的建筑与活动场地整体被竖向线条的砌块外墙材料包裹起来,甚至包括滑梯,所以看上去有着很强的识别性与整体感。


建筑师Greta Tiedje表示Forfatterhuset幼儿园是根据孩子们对室内学习与课外活动空间的需求设计的,最初试图在不同的尺度空间来满足这一切,整体看起来就如捆绑在一起的红砖面包一样,趣味感十足。





COBE Forfatterhuset幼儿园





有了这个项目,我们想创建一个世界级的日托中心。一个地方出最好的环境,我们的孩子长大后,和促进孩子的学习和创造力。位于哥本哈根的历史性地区为主的疗养院和高级住房,我们一直非常注意确保历史区域之间的连贯性和新构建。从去年许多人们长期生活,该地区现在还一个孩子长大成人的地方,开始自己的生活,”Dan StubbergaardCOBE的创始人兼创意总监。


幼儿园包括五个小房子在一个三层——所有的绿色屋顶,屋顶花园。从外面幼儿园出现作为孩子的村庄,但从内部一致的和高效的。这有助于创建一个地方小,紧凑的和令人兴奋的儿童以及功能和灵活的在日常生活中。幼儿园在20147月开业,现在房子160 0 - 6岁儿童。



Forfatterhuset Kindergarten by COBE

Posted by Erin on October 6th, 2014

Danish architects COBE have recently completed a new daycare center in Copenhagen, Denmark.

Danish architects COBE have completed a new daycare center in Copenhagen with curved corners, lush roof gardens and a special brick facade that gives the building a warm modern feel and at the same time reflects its historic surroundings. Five small houses with a unique brick cladding and green roofs and roof gardens create the framework for Copenhagen’s new kindergarten. The kindergarten opened its doors in July 2014 and is the result of a competition held in 2012 won by Danish architects COBE in collaboration with PK3 landscape architects and D.A.I. engineers.

”With this project, we wanted to create a world class day care center. A place that gives the best possible environment for our children to grow up in, and which promotes children’s learning and creativity. Located in a historic area of Copenhagen consisting mainly of nursing homes and senior housing, we have been very aware of ensuring a coherence between the historical area and the new build. From being a last destination for many people’s long lives, the area is now also a place where children grow up and start their lives,” says Dan Stubbergaard, Founder and Creative Director of COBE.

Dan Stubbergaard continues: “It is a sensitive art adding new to old in a historic area. First of all we wanted to understand the area’s characteristics and then we wanted to strengthen it but at the same time create something new and contrasting. The facade of the kindergarten is for example a clear reference to the area’s red brick buildings. Instead of using traditional horizontal bricks, the facade consists of vertical brick lamellae continuing as a band from house to house, and surrounding the garden and playground. Besides being the building’s envelope, the facade thus works as a fence for the playground, protection at the roof tops and solar screening in front of the windows. The facade gives a uniform expression and at the same time creates a modern interpretation and coherence with the area.” He continues: “The goal was to create a house that not only understands and shows consideration for its surroundings, but also contributes something radically new and different.”

The kindergarten consists of five small houses in one to three floors – all with green roofs and roof gardens. From the outside the kindergarten appears as a village for children, but from the inside it is coherent and efficient. This helps to create a place that is small, compact and exciting for children as well as functional and flexible in everyday life. The kindergarten opened its doors in July 2014 and now houses 160 children aged 0-6 years.

Architect: COBE
Landscape architect: PK3
Engineer: D.A.I.
Contractor: Kjær & Lassen

Photography by Adam Mørk and Rasmus Hjortshøj



设计单位:COBE + NORD architects + PK3 + grontmij

位置:丹麦 哥本哈根

丹麦建筑设计事务所COBENORD architects和景观设计事务所PK3 grontmij共同合作,取得了盖得王子幼儿园和青少年中心方案设计竞赛的第一名,这是一个位于丹麦哥本哈根克里斯钦港的少儿日托中心。城市人口正在不断的增长,预计到2025年会达到9万以上,其中大约3.3万人将处于18-29岁的年龄段之间,另外2.2万人则低于18岁,因此需要更多为儿童服务的设施。这片三角形的用地像楔子一样嵌入当地城市的机理中,将可容纳816个儿童和青少年,将是丹麦同类日托机构中规模最大的。设计师尽量控制了建筑的尺度感,让“人”成为这个日托机构中真正的焦点。为了与孩子们不同的个性相适应,沿着两条与城市衔接的主路设计了很多小而充满个性的建筑群,被称为“孩子们的城市”,规划中还包括小社区、不同的公共广场和公园。其他设施还包括体育馆、棒球练习场甚至还有要素齐全的小消防站、住宅、餐馆和市政厅。室外活动场地多而且种类齐全,室内则激发孩子们的活力,不管是安静还是好动的孩子都能找到属于自己的地方,在音乐、玩耍、安静或热闹的环境中相互交流。

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