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首页 > 用预制构件打造的多层木结构公寓楼


建筑设计: OOPEAA工作室


甲方: lakea oy


周期:2011(委托)– 2014(完成1栋)– 2015(竣工)


总建筑师:anssi lassila

项目建筑师:juha pakkala (施工阶段)iida hedberg (设计阶段)

其他的团队成员: jussi-pekka vesala (总平面阶段) mia salonen, teemu hirvilammi, hanna-kaarina heikkilä, santtu hyvärinen

摄影:mikko auerniitty

芬兰建筑设计工作室OOPEAA已经完成了在库奥卡拉(kuokkala)于韦斯屈莱(Jyvaskyla)郊区一个住宅区的设计,这是芬兰的第一幢8层木制公寓楼。通过和Lakea建筑事务所的合作, puukuokka住宅区由三栋多层木结构节能公寓建筑组成,邻近同样由OOPEAA工作室设计的库奥卡拉(kuokkala)教堂。建成的大楼是一个大公寓综合体的第一部分,这个大综合体将在接下来的两年里建成。这幢建筑由预制的交叉层压木模块化元件建造,采用了由世界最大的纸制造商斯道拉·恩索集团(stora enso)发展的城市多层概念。这个项目是与于韦斯屈莱(Jyvaskyla)规划部门合作设计的,提供了廉价、高效节能的住房,能容易地适应居住者不断变化的需求。



puukuokka大厦为购房者树立了低成本、低风险的财务模式。在租赁一个单元超过20年后,租客能成为房屋持有人。在搬进公寓之前,未来的业主要支付适度的首付:房子总价值的7%。剩余的总额就包含在一项国家担保的银行贷款里。Archdaily  翻译:建筑学院-伍翠仪)




Puukuokka Housing Block

Architects: OOPEAA

Location: 40100 Jyväskylä, Finland

Architect In Charge: Anssi Lassila

Project Architects: Juha Pakkala (construction stage), Iida Hedberg (design process stage)

Other Team Members: Jussi-Pekka Vesala (master plan stage) Mia Salonen, Teemu Hirvilammi, Hanna-Kaarina Heikkilä, Santtu Hyvärinen

Area: 18650.0 sqm

Year: 2015

Photographs: Mikko Auerniitty

From the architect. Puukuokka is the first eight-story heigh wooden apartment building in Finland.  Developed in collaboration with Lakea, it is an energy-efficient trio of multi-story timber-framed flats in the Jyväskylä suburb of Kuokkala, neighboring the Kuokkala church also designed by OOPEAA.

The Puukuokka apartment complex is comprised of three 6-8 story buildigns. The first building in the Puukuokka complex is now complete and the other two buildings will be built over the next two years. The complex offers 150 flats with a combined floor area of aprox. 10,000 m2. The buildings are composed of prefabricated modular cubical elements made of cross laminated timber (CLT) utilizing the Urban MultiStory concept developed by Stora Enso. Planned in collaboration with the Jyväskylä City Planning Department, the project will visually enhance the townscape while offering affordable, eco-efficient housing that is easily adaptable to changing needs over time.

On the courtyard side, the façade made of larch wood has been left untreated. On the side facing the street, it has been treated with a coat of dark paint. On the courtyard side the façade is animated with extruding balconies while the majority of the balconies are recessed and provided with sliding glass doors covering the entire length and height of the interior wall and opening up vistas into the surrounding landscape. A sense of openness and wealth of light is present also in the shared hallways of the apartment building. They are more spacious than usual and offer a rhythmically arranged series of views opening out to the landscape of forest and hills around. The plan of the apartments is efficiently arranged and the presence of wood in the interior surfaces adds an element of warmth and quality to the living spaces. The building is characterized by an overall fine quality of the wooden surfaces and by carefully thought out yet straightforward detailing.

The use of modular prefabricated elements ensures a uniform high standard of quality and minimizes delays and other weather-related problems during the construction process. The modular cubical elements made of cross laminated timber are dry, adaptable, lightweight and ready-to install. The CLT frame serves both as a loadbearing and stiffening element, as well as provides a vapor barrier and partial heat insulation. There are fewer joints and less material is needed than in conventional timber buildings. There is also a reduced risk of installation flaws and the modular structure is more dimensionally stable under a moisture attack.

Puukuokka pilots a low-cost, low-risk financing model for homebuyers. After renting a flat for 20 years, the occupant becomes its owner. Before moving in, the future owner pays a modest down payment (7% of the total value of the home). The remaining sum is covered by a State-guaranteed bank loan. The occupant pays off the loan in the form of rent over a 20-year period, after which the flat becomes his or her own. The sales price is negotiated and agreed upon when the lease is signed.


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